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Commentaire de Roosevelt_vs_Keynes

sur Un second plan de rigueur adopté en Grèce malgré son impopularité !!

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Roosevelt_vs_Keynes 30 juin 2011 10:09

C’est pas si rose pour les financiers : personne n’est dupe !

Extrait de http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Europe/2011/0629/Greek-austerity-squeaks-through-but-budget-woes-remain :

"Yet analysts at Morgan Stanley, speaking anonymously, say that the new money and time bought by “kicking the can” is necessary as a measure to calm markets and allow for new solutions and adjustments to emerge.

Philippe Waechter, chief economist at Natixis Asset Management in Paris, says the vote may be salutary but still doesn’t offer a long term answer.

“Thanks to this vote we can avoid the problematic situation that would arise from Greece’s straight default,” Mr. Waechter argues, “but this vote, on a very, very drastic austerity plan, only allows for Greece to benefit from the Troika’s [EU, IMF, European Central Bank] next financing tranche. What is preoccupying is that a considerable effort is made to just meet a short-term deadline. What will happen tomorrow if Greece is again in the same situation, which will surely occur if nothing is done to tackle long-term problems ?

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