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Commentaire de morice

sur Le « Nightmareliner » de Boeing

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morice morice 21 janvier 2013 18:54

Il ne ferait pas cage de Faraday .......flippant .

certains ont cité l’exemple en cas de foudre, et surtout en cas d’incendie au sol, où la cabine tiendrait moins longtemps au feu que l’aluminium, qui déjà, ne résiste pas longtemps on le sait.


The plane’s polymer skin melts at 649 degrees, according to its manufacturer, Victrex Energy of West Conshohocken, Pa.

à 650°C ça fond...

Goglia said weight was the most likely reason Boeing went with the 63-pound lithium battery, which is lighter and more powerful than other types.

It also burns at high temperatures. In two lithium battery fire tests last year, temperatures peaked between 1,400 and 2,000 degrees, according to a report of the test results. Some of the battery cells exploded and landed more than 100 feet from the fire, and one of the fires burned for more than an hour.

pas du tout rassurant...

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