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Commentaire de QuanticEnergy91

sur LENR - L'énergie de demain

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QuanticEnergy91 QuanticEnergy91 24 février 2013 13:40

I Steven,

I din’t knew that you were following LENR on Agoravox as well !

I am a long time follower of LENR on newenergytimes, and since late 2012 a subscriber.

I am more and more convinced, that despite many desillusions with some experiments, LENR will work. Widom-Larsen theory is pushing the experiments in the right direction (hydrogen forced within metallic structure plus some electromagnetic effects).
Additionally, the more I am reading about quantic physics, the more I do believe that there may be technological ways, at atom level, to overcome nicely this dawn Coulombian repulsion !

Recent publications from official labs, showing that the nuclear shape is greatly depending on energy levels, and not a simple grape of balls may be opening new way of thinkings.

Back in 2005, we have already discussed that together over mails. I believe this is the right time to throw over the net some fresh ideas...even if this may look stupid or esoteric at first glance !

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