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Commentaire de njama

sur Syrie : Hollande veut armer des rebelles dont même les aleppins ne veulent pas !

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njama njama 18 mars 2013 18:27

Fabius veut armer les rebelles ...

EST-CE POUR « COUVRIR » CE QUE FONT LARGEMENT DÉJÀ L’ARABIE SAOUDITE ET LE QATAR ? APPORTER UN PETIT AIR DÉMOCRATE A CETTE RÉBELLION ? ... histoire qu’on comprenne que ce ne sont pas les armes des monarchies du Golfe qui auraient permis de renverser le régime de Bachar El-Assad (si toutefois il tombe un jour ...).

Cela ferait sacrément « TACHE » dans le beau tableau des combattants de la Liberté libérateurs du peuple syrien opprimé par la « dictature » grâce aux armes fournies par d’autres dictateurs pétro-monarques salafo-wahhabites !
puréééééééééée la honte sur la révolution ...
Croatian Weapons Arrive In Homs
Saturday, 16 March 2013 (les vidéos sont sur le BLOG de Brown Moses)

When Croatian weapons, provided by Saudi Arabia, first appeared a number of people noted that while the weapons had been sighted in Daraa, Idlib, Aleppo, and Deir Ez Zor, they hadn’t appeared in Homs, the scene of months of fighting. Now, for the first time, these weapons have started to appear in the Homs region. The first video shows a M79 Osa rocket launcher being used by opposition fighters

This next video shows a RBG-6 grenade launcher in Al Khaldiyah, Homs, north of the city centre, being used by a new group, Katiba al-Samoud - Janud Allah, which appears to be aligned with the FSA

Here we see a RPG-22 being used by what appears to be the same group in the above video at an unknown location in Homs

This final video shows a M60 recoilless gun being used at near the Lebanese border, near Al Qusayr, south-west of Homs

All four videos were posted in that last two days, and I’ve been unable to find earlier videos showing Croatian weapons in the Homs region, so it appears these are all new arrivals in the Homs region, and it will be interesting if these weapons have the same significant effect in Homs as they’ve had in Daraa.

Saudis Step Up Help for Rebels in Syria With Croatian Arms The New York Times 25.02.2013

Saudi Arabia has financed a large purchase of infantry weapons from Croatia and quietly funneled them to antigovernment fighters in Syria


Des filières déjà connues 17 mars 2013

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