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Commentaire de bobby fletcher

sur La Chine en fait-elle assez pour éliminer la pauvreté ?

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bobby fletcher (---.---.58.2) 29 mai 2006 19:41

I hope you guys would look into the veracity of Falun Gong’s allegation made in anticipation of Chinese leader’s stateside visit.

Epoch Times’ story has been discredited :


The hospital Falun Gong accused is a joint-venture with a compnay associated with the Malaysian government. The clinic is open to the public and Malay officials have visited in previous years :

http://crc.gov.my/clinicalTrial/documents/Proposal/TCM_StrokeX20TrialProtoc olX20synopsis.pdf

Sure China’s human rights issues should be examined, but wirting allegory of « Schindler’s List » is not the way.

If we in the west can not be precise with the facts, why should the Chinese take what we say seriousely ?"

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