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Commentaire de Xebeche

sur Le français à la sauce bolognaise

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Xebeche 7 juillet 2008 13:50

Apparemment tu n’as pas percuté que "premier paragraphe", ça veut dire "premeir paragraphe" et tu raconte n’importe quoi : qu’est ce que c’est que cette hstoire de radical ???

"listeners don’t benefit from a rule that <-i> marks an infinitive and <-o> marks a noun if they can’t tell the marker vowel from any other I- or O-sound. After all, sentences are heard as streams of noises, rather than as sequences of discrete words. Sure, readers can see the spaces between words... but if it was just for readers, what was wrong with the old German trick of capitalising nouns ? Besides, all the "little words" learners need most help with are left outside the system : <ili> is the pronoun "they" and <maltro> is the adverb "too little".

J’ai la flemme de traduire...


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