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Commentaire de John Lloyds

sur Nucléaire « sous roche » en Iran

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John Lloyds John Lloyds 13 janvier 2010 19:35

« le très renommé journaliste d’investigation Seymour Hersh publie les détails les plus révélateurs de ses travaux d’enquête quant à la destination des 400 millions de dollars affectés à des opérations secrètes à l’intérieur de l’Iran »



« US Intelligence Found Iran Nuke Document Was Forged :


The biggest reason for suspecting that the document is a fraud is its obvious effort to suggest past Iranian experiments related to a neutron initiator. After proposing experiments on detecting pulsed neutrons, the document refers to »locations where such experiments used to be conducted".

That reference plays to the widespread assumption, which has been embraced by the International Atomic Energy Agency, that Iran had carried out experiments with Polonium-210 in the late 1980s, indicating an interest in neutron initiators. The IAEA referred in reports from 2004 through 2007 to its belief that the experiment with Polonium-210 had potential relevance to making « a neutron initiator in some designs of nuclear weapons

... »


renseignez-vous un peu, Cabanel, avant d’écrire des délires pareils.

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