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Commentaire de morice

sur Ben Laden, un linceul cousu de fil blanc

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morice morice 5 mai 2011 18:42

à qui appartenait la maison ?

Hizbul Mujahideen, a terror group active in Jammu and Kashmir, owns the mansion that sheltered Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad.
en fait 

I got news for everyone...« Hizbul Mujahideen » does not « own » anything, just like bin Laden did not own anything !

You keep looking and you will likely find a Bilderberg/Committee of 300 owner of the entire city !

Still, in the wake of the raid, Islamabad scrambled to ensure that precise ownership of the compound would not become public knowledge, and any link to HM would deepen Pakistan’s embarrassment over bin Laden’s death. 

je sens qu’on va reparler bientôt de Headley là...

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