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Commentaire de Al West

sur Bouclier antimissile de l'OTAN : où en est-on ?

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Al West 8 mai 2012 15:19

Information de dernière minute : interview d’Alexander Vershbow, le n°2 de l’OTAN sur Russia Today (lire ici)

Notamment ce passage sur l’Iran qui démontre, s’il était besoin, l’hypocrisie des Atlantistes.

RT : From what we are told, this European missile defense system is really directed against the Iranian threat. And it will be fully operational in 2018. There are numerous ways right now to contain Iran : the US is building bases around it, Israel has capabilities, international sanctions are in place. It really doesn’t look like in the nearest future, for the next five-six years, Iran will be representing a real threat to NATO. What is the purpose of the European anti-missile defense system if Iran is contained ?

AV : There is legitimate debate that we could have maybe, if we had more time, can Iran, a regime that has a radical ideology that has pledged to wipe a country not far from its borders off the map, whether it could really be contained. But yes, the threat today is not as bad as we think it would be five, ten years ago. So we do have time to work this out.

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