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Commentaire de njama

sur Imagerie et Empire : Comprendre la peur occidentale des terroristes arabes et musulmans

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njama njama 9 avril 2015 19:07

Comme les attitudes exceptionnalistes, les conceptions orientalistes sont importantes pour soutenir la politique étrangères et les guerres de Washington en tant que noble entreprise.

Il n’y a pas que ces méthodes, car cela passe aussi par le dénigrement injurieux « Philadelphie, PA - La vague actuelle de l’islamophobie continue de laisser ses empreintes crasseuses dans les rues américaines. »

 “Muslims are Nazis” : Anti-Muslim Hitler Ads Plastered on Buses in Philadelphia
By Josh Paniagua, Global Research, April 09, 2015
Philadelphia, PA — The ongoing wave of Islamophobia continues to leave its muddy footprints in American streets. Earlier in January, it was reported that 50 buses in San Francisco, CA had been plastered with anti-Islam ads from the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), a known anti-Muslim and pro-Israel group. They made their way to New York, Washington DC, and now, they’ve made their way to public transport in Philadelphia.

One particular ad features a message reading, “Islamic Jew Hatred : It’s in the Quran. Two-thirds of all US aid goes to Islamic countries. Stop racism, end all aid to Islamic countries.”

Islamophobic Hitler ads appear on San Francisco buses
Published time : January 15, 2015 10:16
An anti-Islamic, pro-Israeli lobby group has stirred controversy in San Francisco with a series of provocative ads on 50 buses, with images of Adolf Hitler accompanied by a demand to stop all aid to Islamic countries and an appeal to “stop the hate.”

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