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Commentaire de flandres francaise n’est pas francaise.

sur Plaidoyer pour l'universalité : NON au repli identitaire !

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@flandres francaise n’est pas francaise

I’m writing in english because that article is so absurd. First, he extols the Revolution and the Jacobins. However, he fails to mention that the ideals of the revolution were repudiated when first France accepted an emperor, then restored the monarchy, and then accepted a second emperor AFTER the glorious French Revolution. Second, if he believes so much in the Revolution then he should want to return the lands Louis XIV stole during his illegal and egotistical wars. We wouldn’t need to discuss regional languages then. My ancestors did not ask to be french. They were not french. And for the government of france to work purposely for over 100 years to exterminate the flemish language and culture of my people is cultural genocide and should be a crime. BTW, if it wasn’t for the Americans you’d be speaking German now anyway.

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