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Commentaire de Aurélien

sur 11 septembre : la BBC a annoncé l'effondrement du bâtiment 7 avant qu'il ne se produise...

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Aurélien (---.---.52.95) 7 mars 2007 13:08

Apparemment, une personne est morte au moins lors de l’effondrement du WTC7 : Craig Miller !

Weaver : « We lost Craig Miller, an employee that we still can’t find. His body has never been recovered. People here are still grief stricken. » (first quarter, 2002)

Steve Carey - SS special agent in charge or recreating task force.

« When 7 World Trade Center came down on Sept. 11, an agent on loan from Washington, special officer Craig Miller, perished, and the entire Secret Service office was buried in that building. Yet, despite the devastation, the New York Electronic Crime Task Force has stepped up its operations in credit card fraud and for Osama Bin Laden’s money »

http://www.ectaskforce.org/City_Leads_Way.pdf [link expired]

« One employee, Master Special Officer Craig Miller, died during the rescue efforts. Miller was temporarily assigned to New York in preparation for the United Nations General Assembly. » http://www.ustreas.gov/usss/press/pub1202.pdf

« in selfless dedication to others, Master Special Officer Craig Miller was lost in the collapse of the World Trade Center. »


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