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Commentaire de Renaud Bouchard

sur L'image abîmée de la France par l'impéritie de M. Macron : quand la Syrie rend à la France la Légion d'honneur attribuée à Bachar al-Assad

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Renaud Bouchard Renaud Bouchard 22 avril 2018 23:01

Aux Lecteurs, que j’invite à écouter cet entretien surprenant de candeur entre E. Macron et un très bon journaliste de Fox News Sunday’s : Chris Wallace, lequel interroge le président à l’occasion de sa visite à la Maison Blanche cette semaine.


Déclarations de M. Macron :

- .M. Trump ne saurait valablement pénaliser ses vrais alliés dans une guerre commerciale et soyons persuadés qu’il fera une exception pour le plus fidèle d’entre eux : la France.

WALLACE : Let’s do what we call a lightning round, quick questions, quick answers. When the president announced new tariffs on aluminum and steel for the European Union, you said, we will not negotiate with a gun pointed at her head.


WALLACE : There is now a May 1st deadline. Who is going to blink, President Trump or you ?

MACRON : I hope — I mean, he will not implement these new tariffs and he will decide for an exemption for the European Union. You don’t make trade war with your ally.

WALLACE : But he has said that he is going to implement.

MACRON : He said exemptions through May 1st. Let’s see what it will do on May 1st. I just say, where are your priorities ? You cannot make a trade war with our ally.

I’m very — I’m an easy guy. I’m very simple. I’m straightforward. It’s too complicated — if you make war against everybody. You make trade war against China, trade war against Europe, war in Syria, war against (INAUDIBLE) — come on, it doesn’t work. You need ally. We are the ally.

- Quant à la Syrie, que l’on se rassure puisque chacun a vocation à participer à sa reconstruction.

WALLACE : After the missile strike, you said, we convinced him it was necessary to stay for the long term.

The White House pushed back. He wants U.S. forces to come home as quickly as possible.

So, Mr. President, which is it ? Is President Trump going to pull out of Syria as soon as ISIS is defeated, or have you persuaded him to stay to help stabilize the situation there ?

MACRON : It’s not automatically U.S. forces, but that’s U.S. diplomacy and that’s your president. We will have to build the new Syria afterward, and that’s why I think the U.S. hold is very important.

Why ? I will be very blunt. The day we will finish this war against ISIS, if we leave, definitely and totally, even from a political point of view, we will leave the floor to the Iranian regime, Bashar al-Assad and his guys, and they will prepare the new war. They will fuel the new terrorists.

So, my point is to say, even after the end of the war against ISIS, the U.S., France, our allies, all the countries of the region, even Russia and Turkey, will have a very important role to play in order to create this new Syria and ensure Syrian people to decide for the future.

Tant de naïveté laisse pantois. L’épisode de a Légion d’honneur est déjà oublié.

Question:qu gouverne la France ?


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