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Commentaire de njama

sur Mais que sont-ils venus faire dans cette galère ? Réponse à la mise en cause par 6 académies, d'une décision de justice

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njama njama 4 juillet 2018 16:16

@njama .... il faut le dire à cuba ............

non, à Washington ! c’est là que l’agenda pour un programme mondial de vaccinations se définit
President Obama Cements Global Health Security Agenda as a National Priority https://blogs.cdc.gov/global/2016/11/04/president-obama-cements-global-health-security-agenda-as-a-national-priority/

www.gouvernement.fr 6 May 2016
Global Health Security Agenda
Implementation of international health regulations, with robust, transparent global governance, is a priority for France. It particularly supports the creation of a health crisis response platform, and has taken the initiative of mobilising the G7 on the issue of the cost of innovative medicines.

Content published under the Government Valls III from 2016 11th February to 2016 06th December

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