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Commentaire de njama

sur Gardasil, foi, propagande ou argumentation scientifique, il faut choisir !

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njama njama 13 mars 2019 12:09

le CDC n’est pas sans lien d’intérêts concernant ce vaccin Gardasil

HPV vaccine safety : Cochrane launches urgent investigation into review after criticisms Published 09 August 2018
Cochrane HPV vaccine review severely compromised by conflicts of interest 17 September 2018, Elizabeth M Hart

The recently published Cochrane HPV vaccine review[1] is severely compromised and cannot be trusted due to the conflicts of interest of authors on the original protocol and the final review document.

Due to serious conflicts of interests, Cochrane should withdraw this review [The BMJ].

In February 2016, I challenged David Tovey, Editor in Chief of Cochrane, directly about protocol author Lauri Markowitz’s conflicts of interest.

Catherine Riva et al raised the problem of conflicts of interest in December 2014 in a comment on the original protocol[2], specifically pointing out the failure to properly disclose conflicts of interest by Lauri Markowitz and Marc Arbyn. Arbyn remained an author throughout all stages.

Lauri Markowitz is an employee of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and is involved in HPV vaccination promotion. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5711299/

The US Government benefits from the sale of HPV vaccine products, i.e. a letter to Dr Eric Suba from the US National Archives and Records Administration (November 2010) discusses royalties the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) receives from the sales of HPV vaccines. (See a copy of the letter via this link : http://www.vietnamcervicalcancer.org/dmdocuments/ogis%20suba%2024%20nove...)
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been very influential in promoting HPV vaccination[5]. In regards to the Cochrane HPV vaccine review, Cochrane has a conflict of interest in that it is a beneficiary of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funding, i.e. to « support the development of Cochrane’s next generation evidence system, with a specific focus on maternal and child health ».[6] The World Mercury Project has provided critical analysis of Cochrane’s conflicts of interest via the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other organisations[7].

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