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morice morice 8 février 2012 19:00

octobre rouge

http://www.gwu.edu/ nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB75/


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le B-130 superbe reportage

The Foxtrot submarine became famous during the Cuba missile crisis in October 1962. Four Foxtrots (B-4, B-36, B-59 and B-130) were deployed to Cuba. Three were forced to the service by the US navy using depth charges, one managed to escape the American destroyers. The Americans were unaware that the four Foxtrots were carrying torpedoes equipped with nuclear warheads. Conditions on the submarines were very bad and many of the crew were exhausted. The most dangerous incident took place on the B-59 were captain Valentin Savitsky, unable to establish communications with Moscow was furious about the American attack and started the procedure to launch a nuclear torpedo at the US fleet. He was finally convinced by two other high-ranking officers not to launch the torpedo and services the submarine. This was probably the most dangerous moment in the cold war that could have started world war 3. An interesting documentary about the role of the Foxtrots during the Cuban Missile crisis is History Channels Nuclear Sharks - Cuban Missile crisis.

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