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En réponse à :

Alpaco 20 janvier 2011 22:30

sur les messages de wikileaks on trouve ceci en provenance de l’ambassade américaine au Mali :

« 2. (S) The second through fifth documents are letters in the name of the Civil Aviation Agency in Guinea-Bissau (AACGB). One letter is addressed to Mr. Ibrahima Gueye, identified as the Administrator of “Africa Air Assistance.” A Google search Post conducted identified Africa Air Assistance as a Dakar, Senegal-based subsidiary of Malaga, Spain-based West African Aviation, an agent and distributor &for major worldwide aviation maintenance and security companies.8 The letter informs Mr. Gueye that the Boeing B727-200F under Guinea-Bissau registration J5-GCU is no longer considered airworthy, and requests information concerning the location of the identified aircraft within 24 hours. The letter is dated November 5, 2009. On the same date, AACGB sent two letters to its counterpart civil aviation authorities in Nigeria and Venezuela. AACGB stated that it had information that the aircraft J5-GCU was operating under a leasing agreement in Venezuela with Nigerian crews. The letters requested that the Nigerian and Venezuelan civil aviation authorities ground the 727 should the opportunity arise. The final letter is from AACGB to the Malian National Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC) and is dated December 1, 2009. In this letter, AACGB informs ANAC that it has learned aircraft J5-GCU was operating flights from Colombia to Mali. AACGB requests ANAC’s assistance in grounding the aircraft due to the expired airworthiness certification. »

Donc, J5-GCU pour le numéro de l’avion enregistré en Guinnée-Bissau. Avion, qui est « loué » au Vénézula avec un équipage Nigerian, opérant des vols entre la Colombie et le Mali.

« On December 17, Deputy Regional Representative of the United Nations Office Against Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Cyriaque Sobtafo explained that because the plane crash occurred in northern Mali, it was considered exclusively a matter for DGSE, and that not even the Drug Brigade of the Malian Judiciary Investigation Police was allowed to make inquiries. »

Donc, c’est pas l’UNODC qui a enquêté mais la DGSE.
Il s’agit de savoir ce qu’a donné l’enqête de la DGSE.

On trouve aussi cet avis interessant de ATT, le président malien Amadou Toumani Toure :

« ATT directly linked revenues from drug trafficking
to terrorism. He said the Boeing 727 which had been set fire
near Tarkint, in Northern Mali after it got stuck in the sand
on or about October 30 may have been carrying drugs. »

Un Boeing auquel on a mis le feux après qu’il se soit ensablé.

Morice, ne perdez pas plus de temps avec les socio-trolls, utlisez le pour recouper et vérifier ;)

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