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Commentaire de jmsatto

sur Gatsby le magnifique serait-il un plagiat du Grand Meaulnes ?

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jmsatto jmsatto 26 juillet 2013 08:30

*Dans le John Baker’s blog on trouve la précision suivante :

« Le Grand Meaulnes, as a title is almost exactly equivalent to Scott-Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. And the similarities between these two novels don’t end there. In both cases there is the enchanted estate, the guests, the festivities, and perhaps more telling, the green lanterns. In both novels the narrator is an habitual onlooker and the hero never less than charismatic. Fitzgerald was, of course, in France (he wrote The Great Gatsby during the summer and autumn in Valescure near St. Raphael), and was obviously influenced by Alain-Fournier’s work. »

Influencé , ou un peu plus ?

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