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Commentaire de morice

sur On a arrêté le maître de guerre ?

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morice morice 7 mars 2008 11:23

C’est pourtant un gars charmant, ce Viktor : ""In the middle of nowhere you feel alive, you feel part of nature," he said. What I really want to do now is take one of my helicopters to the Russian arctic and make wildlife films for National Geographic and the Discovery Channel."" extrait d’ici. faudra apprendre à National Geographic à qui il loue des hélicos , on sait jamais !!  En irak, il acheminait aussi le courrier !!! "Bout got a contract with Federal Express, the courier company. Before long - to intense official embarrassment later - he was carrying equipment for the US air force and army, and personnel and machinery for Halliburton, the American multi-national corporation". On est tombé sur un excellent sujet d’études, là.

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