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Commentaire de morice

sur Zone 51/CIA : des ballons énormes, pris parfois pour des soucoupes géantes

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morice morice 1er septembre 2013 13:55

son livre ? BORING (chiant) 

The angels, or alien beings, or whatever they are, are supposedly in charge of planets. They have names like WON, and TU, Tha-Ree, Vor, and Fieva - you get the idea. Their « headmaster » is (surprise !) named Ga’Lawed. There are twelve of them. And every day (in eternity) they are sent out to seed new worlds. And the day they go out is called SUNDE. Get it ? Sometimes they leave the apes alone to evolve, sometimes they interbreed. So, one of these angels (Number Fieva) becomes disgruntled with the boredom of his eternal chore and gets the naughty idea to interfere in an evil way, and that is where all the evil aliens (Roswell, UFOs, greys and Reticulans) come from. It is convoluted, weird, and could have been fun or scary or compelling. Unfortunately, it is just boring.

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