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Commentaire de morice

sur Zone 51/CIA : des ballons énormes, pris parfois pour des soucoupes géantes

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morice morice 5 septembre 2013 12:08

une lumière de Phoenix de plus : ah ah ah !


Witnesses in Phoenix, Arizona and surrounding areas observed a bright UFO on the evening of Monday, September 2.

AZCentral.com reports that 3TV received dozens of calls about the UFO over Phoenix. And at least three witnesses filed sighting reports with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). One witness describes :

The light was so bright it looked like I was looking at the light from a welding torch. It first looked like the planet Venus, then it got brighter and bigger. I noticed it started to move along a path. I ended up at Tumble Weed Park in Chandler and got out of my car. I looked up due North and saw that it had moved and it was now closer to Tumble Weed Park but the elevation was higher. It then hovered for about 5 minutes. Then it started to turn orange then in a minute it turned Bright Red. Then, it turned back to the original bright white light and started to ascend up so high that it finaly looked like a very distant star. It vanished right after.

ah ah ah !

le truc ; un BALLON géant !

The balloon had a volume of 11.2 million cubic feet and was more than 300 feet across at its largest point. This massive balloon reached a height of 120,000 feet above sea level, and it eventually landed west of Phoenix early Tuesday morning. The balloon’s payload included student-designed instruments that were being tested at high altitudes.

More flights will reportedly take place in the near future.

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