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Commentaire de morice

sur Le garçon coiffeur lanceur de sardines

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morice morice 20 mai 2015 09:25

amusette pour PC, votre truc...


I took an original image straight off my camera and ran it through JPEGSnoop, and it returned all the EXIF data and an evaluation that it was highly probable that the image had been unaltered. I then threw the image in Photoshop and made a small alteration, taking a few seconds to add fake « steam » to the latte. JPEGSnoop changed the assessment to indicate the image had been processed and reported the fix was made in Adobe Photoshop.

In fairness however, the application doesn’t have the capacity to judge the difference between a photo being cropped and getting a contrast adjustment in Photoshop versus, say, being cropped and having Godzilla added in, but it is a strong indicator of whether any editing has occurred. You may find yourself learning more about your old friend’s headshot than you’d trusted in before. JPEGSnoop is a free and portable tool, Windows only.

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