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E-fred E-fred 7 octobre 2008 23:15

Merci Morice

j’ai fait quelques recherches concernant Elmo Zumwalt : http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/oversight/memoriam.html

"Admiral Zumwalt, who had opposed American ground involvement in Vietnam since the early 1960’s and would later write how "I thought it was the wrong war, in the wrong place, at the wrong time," oversaw the "brown water Navy." That was a flotilla of more than 1,000 patrol boats deployed in the Mekong Delta to deny Vietcong and North Vietnamese soldiers use of of the waterways. Returning to Washington, Admiral Zumwalt took on another task — remaking the Navy.

"When I became chief of naval operations, racism and sexism were still an integral part of the Navy tradition," he recalled. There had never been a black admiral, black officers had few prospects for advancement, and women were not permitted to serve on ships".

Paradoxal pour quelqu’un qui a ordonné le largage de l’agent Orange.

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