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En réponse à :

claire hass (---.---.116.5) 13 avril 2006 18:29

Please excuse my English.

PM de Villepin is most certainly a visionary. It is sad that most of France cannot pause for a moment, discard their scepticism, and carefully read this man’s writings.

I have. And I find therein a brilliant mind.

I also perceive, for a change from usual politics, an individual who is not self-serving.

He is earnestly trying to « serve the French people » in initiating a dialogue about unemployment following the defeat of his labor law,( which I thought should have been given a chance).

I hope he may remember the concept advanced by our late Pres. John Kennedy half a century ago : The Peace Corps, which sent youth to every corner of the globe to do good works.

Kennedy said,

"Ask NOT what America can do for you,

Ask what YOU CAN DO for America !"

And thus the Peace Corps was inspired.

Surely French youth have the heart and soul to be similarly inspired.

Why not suggest to PM de Villepin that he consider such a proposal and that he initiate a national debate on this idea ?

Thousands of young, unemployed youth could be sent to Francophone Africa to build schools, roads, hospitals, and water treatment plants ! They can be paid a salary,(instead of the host country receiving « aid » from the governement in euros.

It may not permanently solve the ’chomage’, but it is a beginning, and a fresh idea !

Let us recall the words of Victor Hugo :

« L’esprit de l’homme a trois clefs qui ouvrent tout : savoir, pender, rever, tout est la. »

it is time for the clef « rever » !


Claire Hass

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