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Commentaire de Kalki

sur Les « bébés couples », un phénomène nouveau ?

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Kalki Kalki 18 janvier 2011 17:02

- 85 percent of graduates move home with their parents (Twentysomething Inc.)

- Official unemployment – a notoriously underestimating measure of a population’s immiseration hovers around 15 percent for young Americans, one-third higher than the overall population’s rate. (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

- Self-employment, which is almost always precarious, shot up 27 percent between 1995 and 2005. With employers hiring fewer and fewer new employees, long-term secure employment is unrealistic for many young people. (BLS)

- Youth has become such a material hardships that, for the first time ever, today’s college graduates face the same level of unemployment as the general population. (BLS)



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