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Commentaire de Coriosolite

sur Loup, Cap Loup à l'apogée du cynisme

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Coriosolite 9 juillet 2016 21:54

Dans un article d’avril voilà ce que je trouve en lien pour prouver une de ses affirmations :

Where B = Levins’ measure of niche breadth

pj = is the proportion of usage of the jth prey item

To standardize this measure of niche breadth on a scale of 0 to 1, we calculated Levins’ measure of standardized niche breadth, according to the following formula [35] : where BA = Levin’s standardized Food Niche Breadth

B = Levin’s Food Niche Breadth

n = number of prey items found in the diet.

The Levin’s standardized food niche breadth ranges from 0 (strong specialization in one group of prey—specialist predator) to 1 (opportunistic preying on all groups of prey).

To determine the degree of dietary overlap between the three packs we used Pianka’s (1973) dietary niche overlap [36] according to the formula :

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