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Commentaire de morice

sur Débat Sarkozy-Hollande 2012 : la violence des boxeurs sous haute tension

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morice morice 3 mai 2012 11:53

à ce stade, ce n’est même plus être PARTISAN Sylvain : c’est être MENTEUR, le mot préféré de Sarko :

regardez la presse étrangère : pour elle, votre champion Sarkozy A PERDU

« French President Nicolas Sarkozy (...) apparently failed to do serious damage to his Socialist challenger » - Financial Times
« ... no clear winner » - Wall Street Journal
« Sarkozy’s miracle is nowhere to be seen » - The Telegraph
« Duello finale : Hollande vince ai punti » - Corriere della Sera
« Doch trotz harter Attacken des Präsidenten blieb der gelassen. » - Die Zeit
« ... no es más que el canto del cisne porque la suerte está echada ... » - Abc

pas de miracle pour Sarko le fanfaron qui devait « exploser » hollande !!

The campaign in fact was about discovering Mr Hollande, a veteran of the political scene who until last night was a blank sheet for most voters.

His reputation as a grey figure, a bit flabby – his colleagues refer to him as Flanby, a brand of French flan – with no noticeable charisma has been praised by his supporters as an antidote to Mr Sarkozy’s ‘bling’ presidency. But others fear that he is too soft to cope with the rigours of the job.

In that sense Mr Hollande will have benefited from the debate. For a start, voters saw him defending successfully his questionable policies on tax, Europe and immigration. But they also saw him keep his cool, and stand up to Mr Sarkozy’s hectoring. And he found a compelling way of describing the kind of president he would be, privileging the dignity of the office and implicitly distancing himself from the interfering practices of Mr Sarkozy.

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