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Commentaire de morice

sur Une purge stalinienne dans l'US Air Force ?

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morice morice 9 juin 2008 22:18

 eh bien comme ça je ne me sens plus seul à le penser : l’armée s’est bien révoltée contre Cheney depuis au moins 2 ans !! 

"Pentagon officials firmly opposed a proposal by Vice President Dick Cheney last summer for airstrikes against the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) bases by insisting that the administration would have to make clear decisions about how far the United States would go in escalating the conflict with Iran, according to a former George W Bush administration official."

"Pentagon civilian and military opposition to such a strategic attack on Iran had become well-known during 2007. But this is the first evidence from an insider that Cheney’s proposal was perceived as a ploy to provoke Iranian retaliation that could used to justify a strategic attack on Iran."

The option of attacking nuclear sites had been raised by Bush with the Joint Chiefs at a meeting in “the tank” at the Pentagon on December 13, 2006, and had been opposed by the Joint Chiefs, according to a report by Time magazine’s Joe Klein last June.

It appeared in early 2007, therefore, that a strike at Iran’s nuclear program and military power had been blocked by opposition from the Pentagon.

Petraeus was also a supporter of Cheney’s proposal for striking IRGC targets in Iran, going so far as to hint in an interview with Fox News last September that he had passed on to the White House his desire to do something about alleged Iranian assistance to Shi’ites that would require US forces beyond his control.

At that point, Fallon was in a position to deter any effort to go around DoD and military opposition to such a strike because he controlled all military access to the region as a whole. But Fallon’s forced resignation in March and the subsequent promotion of Petraeus to become Centcom chief later this year gives Cheney a possible option to ignore the position of his opponents in Washington once more in the final months of the administration.

Cheney va donc passer outre, et pour ça ; il fallait faire le ménage AVANT !!!! 


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