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Commentaire de leypanou

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leypanou 2 avril 2022 16:27

@alinea 10:59
concernant la fameuse femme de la maternité dans cet article, résumé : In short, it appeared to be a rehearsed psyop event where the photographers were already waiting in the wings for the aftermath, and the pregnant showpiece was perfectly utilized as an object of orchestrated propaganda

 et son interview twitter ici
Résumé de l’affaire :

Marianne says that there was no air raid :
“That is, our opinion was confirmed. They said it was a shell [of the Armed Forces].”
The woman says that after the start of the Russian special operation, she was unable to leave Mariupol – the authorities did not let people out.
According to the story of the blogger, the maternity hospital was occupied by the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine :
“The military did not help in any way, they came one day and said : “Give me food.” They are told : “This is all for pregnant women.” And they took our food.”
Marianne confirmed that reporters showed up at the scene immediately after the explosion. When everyone was evacuated, she noticed that she was being filmed and asked to stop. The journalist left only after the men chased him away.”

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